Friday, May 20, 2011

Last Steps…

A silent wish pops up from mind

With blinking eyes it looks at me

My stoned face it does reflect

And gives me a silent shout

Anguished was its tone of voice

Painful were its words which said

Why have you kept me alive

In this barren world of yours

Burdened are your days always

And every night an endless chase

For your dreams you give not up

And follow with your heavy steps

I am tired and drained now

And wonder whether this is the last

I can walk not more with you

Only if this is your last step

I lifted my eyes to look at it

Heavy indeed was the sight

I remember not how long it took

To listen to the silent shrieks

With more quiet words then I spoke

Slaughtering its hope to fade away

I know you see not the springing buds

With me neither the sunny days

I know you are bruised and crushed

Under the dried salts of my tears

I know you just hope your breath

To be the last, if at all I breathe

But still I want you to live

With me in my world of stones

And also sow some seeds of faith

For me to walk ahead some more

With you on these beds of rocks

Yes, A few more last steps…