Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Yes they say
And it happens with me
Life does flow
With the currents unknown...

Is it my life?
Or me myself
Which I see there
Far there in the ocean

It struggles indeed
With every wave
And those waves wash
Its gasping face

Up and down
The water moves
Often dribbling
Its head so hard

Some fresh air
Is what it needs
With open mouth
It inhales

No, not the air
But salts for sure
Is what it gets
With bitter taste

The sky above
And waters below
And in between
Are those two eyes

Strange is this sight
Which I see from here
Voyaging far
Is the inquisitive pair

With efforts so hard
It absorbs it all
The silence above
The turmoil below

With lots of hope
It looks at me
Direct and intense
Is the piercing pair

Its gaze is what
I remember now
Fumble memories
Is the rest of all

It floats not
Nor it sinks
But exists still
With some currents

Yes they say
And it happens with me
Life does flow
With the currents unknown ...